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Mayan Geometric Zodiac of 13


13 signs (13x28) +1 = 365 day year

( begins and ends in Trad. Cancer )

( after Gemini and before Leo ~ the sign that has very little bright stars )

1. Zotz (Bat) / Leo / Regulus

2. Dzec (Scorpion) / Leo / Denebola

3. Keh (Deer/Stag) / Virgo / Almuredin

4. Moan (Owl) / Virgo / Libra / Spica

5. Kutz (Peacock) / Ophiuchus / Kornephorus

6. Xibkay (Lizard) / Sagittarius / Vega

7. Batz (Monkey) / Capricorn / Altair

8. Coz (Hawk) / Aquarius / Markab

9. Balam (Jaguar) / Pisces / Alpharatz

10. Pek (Dog) / Aries / Mirach

11. Kan (Serpent/Snake) / Pleiades / m45

12. Tzub (Rabbit) / Taurus / Aldebaran

13. Aak (Turtle) / Gemini / Castor & Pollux


*Stars according to graphic below


see also this website of Hugh Harleston

~ http://www.hharlestonjr.com/zodiac.html ~

"Am is the black widow spider (Orion, with red nebula M-42 on its belly.) Itzamna is the sea serpent, whose "eye" is red giant Antares, part of which Greeks named "Scorpio." These two are not on the Zodiac (path of earth's orbit around the sun.)"


also see this archive>



? or is there more to the order of this zodaic ?
